Time pass

Format: YYYY-MM-DD

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Mon, 21 Oct 2024 23:38:13 +0800
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 00:38:13 +0800


The gall bladder is the minister of decisions. If you have to take decisions, you should take care to sleep now, so that the gall bladder can do its work undisturbed.

In this period our mental capacity is at its lowest, our body starts to relax and blood pressure, temperature and heart rate are reduced.

Go to bed
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 00:38:13 +0800
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 02:38:12 +0800

Home of the Hun (魂, Ethereal Soul)

The function of the Liver is to ensure the smooth flow of qi throughout the body. The liver opens to the eyes and manifests in the finger and toe nails. It also governs the sinews and tendons. A properly functioning Liver organ will ensure that the tendons are properly nourished and not too tense or gristly. The normal direction of Liver qi is downwards, when Liver qi “rebels” it can attack the Spleen causing nausea and poor appetite, it can rebel upwards causing tenseness in the shoulders and headaches, or it can stop flowing and become stagnant — leading to irritability and anger. When the Liver is dysfunctional there can be conditions such as headaches, premenstrual symptoms, tense muscles, loss of appetite, insomnia, anger, irritability and frustration. Liver blood stagnation may lead to amenorrhea, blood clotting, or a bearing down sensation with menstruation.

Sleep is mandatory in this period to help the liver do its work.

Tue, 22 Oct 2024 02:38:12 +0800
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 04:38:11 +0800

Home of the Po (魄, Corporeal Soul)

The function of the Lung is to descend and disperse qi throughout the body. It receives qi through the breath, and exhales the waste. The Lung governs the skin and hair and also governs the exterior (one part of immunity). A properly functioning Lung organ will ensure the skin and hair are of good quality and that the immune system is strong and able to fight disease. The normal direction of the Lung is downwards, when Lung qi “rebels” it goes upwards, causing coughing and wheezing. When the Lung is weak, there can be skin conditions such as eczema, thin or brittle hair, and a propensity to catching colds and flu. The Lung is weakened by dryness and the emotion of grief or sadness.

Tue, 22 Oct 2024 04:38:11 +0800
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 06:38:11 +0800

The function of the Large Intestine is to control the passage and conduction of stools

In the process, it transforms the stools and reabsorbs fluids from them. It receives food and drink from the Small Intestine, conducts the food and drink down, and after absorbing some of the fluids, it excretes the stools. The Large Intestine is closely related to the Lungs, in the way that Lung Qi aids in its downward movement, therefore influencing defecation. As the Lungs control the skin, the Large Intestine also has influence on it.

This is the period for defecation, if possible before taking your breakfast.

Tue, 22 Oct 2024 06:38:10 +0800
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 08:38:10 +0800

Processing of the food and power supply

This is the best period for the breakfeast, since the stomach is in the best condition to prepare food for digestion.

The chinese have a saying similar to “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper”.

Tue, 22 Oct 2024 08:38:10 +0800
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 10:38:09 +0800

Home of the Yi (意, Intellect)

The function of the Spleen is to transform food and drink into qi and blood and transport these substances around the body. The Spleen governs the flesh, the muscles, and the four extremities. When the Spleen is functioning well, digestion will be good, the muscles will be strong and circulation will be efficient. When the Spleen is weak there can be nausea, this often occurs when the Liver “attacks” the Spleen. Cold hands and feet, lack of muscle tone, easy bruising and poor concentration/overthinking can be signs that the Spleen is weak. The Spleen is weakened by dampness.

The breakfast should be finished before this period and you should refrain from snacks now. This is the time for digestion, not for eating.

No eating
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 10:38:09 +0800
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 12:38:08 +0800

Home of the Shen (神, Aggregate Soul)

The Heart is considered to be the most important Internal Organ, sometimes described as the ‘ruler’, ‘emperor’ or monarch. The main function of the Heart is to govern the blood, which it does in two ways: transforming Food-Qi into Blood, and circulating the Blood just the same as in Western Medicine.

Refrain from physical exhaustion an stress during this period. Now is the time for lunch, which should have arrived before the small intestine has its high time in the next hour.

Tue, 22 Oct 2024 12:38:08 +0800
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 14:38:08 +0800

The small intestine governs the separation of the clear from the turbid

The small intestine further digests food decomposed initially by the stomach. The clear, referring to the essence of water and grain and to the large amount of fluid, is absorbed by the spleen and distributed to the whole, body. The turbid is sent downwards to the large intestine, while the useless water is infused to the bladder. The disorders of the small intestine are attributable to failure to separate the clear from the turbid dirt the digesting process, manifesting stool and urinary disturbance, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, scanty urine, etc.

In this period you should refrain from sports and probably take a short nap.

Tue, 22 Oct 2024 14:38:07 +0800
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 16:38:07 +0800

Energy resurges after the noon low

Longterm memory is at its highest. Best time for cold showers and baths as well as massages.

Shower massage
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 16:38:07 +0800
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 18:38:06 +0800

Home of the Zhi (志, Will)

The Kidneys store Essence, govern birth, growth, reproduction and development. They also produce the Marrow which fills the brain and control the bones. The Kidneys are often referred to as the ‘Root of Life’ or the ‘Root of the Pre-Heaven Qi’. Kidneys house the Will Power (Zhi).

This is the time for dinner, which should be finished till the end of this hour.

Tue, 22 Oct 2024 18:38:06 +0800
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 20:38:05 +0800

Heart Protector

The pericardium is closely related to the Heart. It is known as ‘Master of the Heart’ (Xin Zhu) and ‘Envelope of the Heart’ (Xin Bao). The pericardium protects the heart from attacks by exterior pathogenic factors. Like the Heart, the Pericardium governs Blood and houses the Mind. The Pericardium as a channel is also linked to the Triple Burner: ‘The Triple Burner protects the Internal Organs on the outside and the Pericardium protects the Heart on the outside’. The pericardium, in the zang fu system, does not occupy a particular position in the body (i.e. it is not the same "pericardium" described by western medicine). This period is suited for sociability and love.

Sociability love
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 20:38:05 +0800
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 22:38:05 +0800

Relaxation and warmth

The San Jiao is said to be a metabolism mechanism similar to an old-fashioned water wheel that is turned by incoming water and creates energy for accomplishing a task, such as grinding grain in the case of the water wheel, or for metabolising and digesting food in the case of the San Jiao. The San Jiao is closely associated with the spleen functions of transformation and transportation, particularly the metabolism of incoming food. The San Jiao is also closely associated with the kidney's function in Chinese medicine. The San Jiao, however, is not limited to one metabolism function as the spleen or kidneys are, but is a general metaboliser which can be applied to a variety of metabolism needs.

Since the alimetary organs are resting now, supper has to be taken till the end of this hour.

Tue, 22 Oct 2024 22:38:05 +0800
Tue, 22 Oct 2024 23:38:04 +0800


The gall bladder is the minister of decisions. If you have to take decisions, you should take care to sleep now, so that the gall bladder can do its work undisturbed.

In this period our mental capacity is at its lowest, our body starts to relax and blood pressure, temperature and heart rate are reduced.

Go to bed

Keali. Даосский коуч Все контакты Стратегическая сессия